Topic: microsoft

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Microsoft Hololens Patents

Microsoft HoloLens is at the forefront of mixed reality technology, setting new standards in augmented and virtual reality. Recently, Microsoft enhanced HoloLens 2 with improved spatial mapping and gesture recognition, reinforcing its leadership in the AR industry. Featuring advanced optics, a Holographic Processing Unit (HPU), and seamless integration with Microsoft

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Microsoft Subsidiaries

List of Microsoft Subsidiaries Microsoft has 100+ subsidiaries worldwide. Here’s the list of Microsoft Subsidiaries. S. No. Company Country 1 Adallom Inc United States 2 Adrm Software Inc United States 3 Affirmed Networks Inc United States 4 Ally Technologies Inc United States 5 Avere Systems Inc United States 6 Azyxxi United States 7 Bluetalon

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Microsoft’s Holographic Keyboard Patents

Microsoft’s Holographic Keyboard is a revolution in the way we interact digitally – right in your living space. Using HoloLens 2, this innovation projects a touch-sensitive keyboard around you, seamlessly blending the physical and digital realms for typing without any physical hardware. The recent ‘Swipe to type’ feature allows users

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Bill Gates Patents – Insights and Stats (Updated 2024)

Bill Gates Founder, Microsoft United States Bill Gates, a name synonymous with the PC revolution, illustrates those who need no introduction. Bill Gates is an American computer programmer, entrepreneur and philanthropist who co-founded Microsoft Corporation, a globally renowned software company. As per Forbes, his net worth is $129.9 B as

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