LyondellBasell has achieved significant growth through strategic acquisitions and the establishment of subsidiaries. This strategy has allowed the company to improve its product portfolio, embrace innovative technologies, and effectively meet customer requirements. Serving industries such as chemicals, plastics, and advanced materials, LyondellBasell continues to deliver tailored solutions that address evolving market demands and drive long-term success.
List of LyondellBasell Acquisitions
S. No. | Acquiree Name | Price | Announced Date |
1 | APK | – | Aug 22, 2024 |
2 | MEPOL S.R.L. | – | Mar 13, 2023 |
3 | A. Schulman | $2.3B | Feb 15, 2018 |
4 | Zylog Plastalloys | – | Apr 7, 2016 |
5 | SJS Plastiblends | – | Oct 1, 2015 |
6 | Solvay Engineered Polymers | – | Feb 29, 2008 |
List of LyondellBasell Subsidiaries
LyondellBasell has more than 150 subsidiaries worldwide. Here’s the list of LyondellBasell Subsidiaries.
S. No. | Company | Country |
1 | A Schulman Belgium BV | Belgium |
2 | A Schulman Plastics BV | Belgium |
3 | Tivaco SA | Belgium |
4 | Basell Poliolefinas Ltda | Brazil |
5 | Colortech Da Amazonia Lta | Brazil |
6 | LyondellBasell Brasil Ltda | Brazil |
7 | LyondellBasell Canada Inc | Canada |
8 | Basell Asia Pacific Limited | China |
9 | Lyondell Asia Holdings Limited | China |
10 | LyondellBasell Egypt LLC | Egypt |
11 | A Schulman Plastics SAS | France |
12 | A Schulman SAS | France |
13 | Basell Polyolefines France SAS | France |
14 | Elian SAS | France |
15 | Lyondell Chimie France SAS | France |
16 | QCP Arles SAS | France |
17 | QCP Landemont SAS | France |
18 | A Schulman GmbH | Germany |
19 | APK AG5 | Germany |
20 | Basell Bayreuth Chemie GmbH | Germany |
21 | Basell Chemie Köln GmbH | Germany |
22 | Basell Germany Holdings GmbH | Germany |
23 | Basell Polyolefine GmbH | Germany |
24 | BMC Deutschland GmbH | Germany |
25 | LyondellBasell Hungary Kft | Hungary |
26 | LYB Ireland Limited | Ireland |
27 | A Schulman Plastics Srl | Italy |
28 | Basell Poliolefine Italia Srl | Italy |
29 | Mepol Srl | Italy |
30 | Polar Srl | Italy |
31 | Lyondell Japan Inc | Japan |
32 | AS Worldwide LLC & Cie SCS | Luxembourg |
33 | LYB Luxembourg Sà rl | Luxembourg |
34 | A Schulman de Mexico SA de CV | Mexico |
35 | AS Mex Hold SA de CV | Mexico |
36 | A Schulman ‘s-Gravendeel BV | Netherlands |
37 | Basell (Thailand) Holdings BV | Netherlands |
38 | Basell Benelux BV | Netherlands |
39 | LYB Finance Company BV | Netherlands |
40 | LYB International Finance BV | Netherlands |
41 | LYB International Funding BV | Netherlands |
42 | LYB Trading Company BV | Netherlands |
43 | Lyondell Chemie (PO-11) BV | Netherlands |
44 | Lyondell Chemie (POSM) BV | Netherlands |
45 | Lyondell Chemie Nederland BV | Netherlands |
46 | Lyondell PO-11 CV | Netherlands |
47 | LyondellBasell Industries NV | Netherlands |
48 | LyondellBasell Subholdings BV | Netherlands |
49 | QCP BV | Netherlands |
50 | QCP Holding BV | Netherlands |
51 | QCP IP BV | Netherlands |
52 | A Schulman Polska Sp z oo | Poland |
53 | ASchulman Poznan Sp Z oo | Poland |
54 | Lyondell South Asia Pte Ltd | Singapore |
55 | A Schulman Castellon SL | Spain |
56 | Basell Poliolefinas Iberica SL | Spain |
57 | A Schulman Nordic AB | Sweden |
58 | LyondellBasell Taiwan Co Ltd | Taiwan |
59 | A Schulman Gainsborough Ltd | United Kingdom |
60 | A Schulman Inc Limited | United Kingdom |
61 | Basell Polyolefins UK Limited | United Kingdom |
62 | Basell UK Holdings Limited | United Kingdom |
63 | LYB Treasury Services Ltd | United Kingdom |
64 | LyondellBasell SCS UK Ltd | United Kingdom |
65 | A Schulman International Inc | USA |
66 | AS Worldwide LLC | USA |
67 | ASI Investments Holding Co | USA |
68 | Basell North America Inc | USA |
69 | Bulk Molding Compounds Inc | USA |
70 | Equistar Bayport LLC | USA |
71 | Equistar Chemicals LP | USA |
72 | Equistar GP LLC | USA |
73 | Equistar LP LLC | USA |
74 | Houston Refining LP | USA |
75 | HPC Holdings LLC | USA |
76 | LYB Bayport Ethers LLC | USA |
77 | LYB Brazil Holdings LLC | USA |
78 | LYB Channelview POTBA LLC | USA |
79 | LYB Composites Holding LLC | USA |
80 | LYB Equistar Holdings LLC | USA |
81 | LYB Finance Holdings LLC | USA |
82 | LYB Houston Hub Holdings LLC | USA |
83 | LYB Matrixx Holdings Inc | USA |
84 | LYB Receivables LLC | USA |
85 | LYB Recycling CA LLC | USA |
86 | Lyondell Chemical Company | USA |
87 | Lyondell Chemical Europe Inc | USA |
88 | Lyondell POJVGP LLC | USA |
89 | Lyondell POJVLP LLC | USA |
90 | Lyondell POTechGP Inc | USA |
91 | Lyondell POTechLP Inc | USA |
92 | Lyondell Refining Company LLC | USA |
93 | Lyondell Refining I LLC | USA |
94 | LyondellBasell Acetyls LLC | USA |
95 | LyondellBasell Composites LLC | USA |
96 | LyondellBasell Finance Company | USA |
97 | LyondellBasell Investment LLC | USA |
98 | LyondellBasell LC Offtake LLC | USA |
99 | PO Offtake LP | USA |
100 | Quantum Composites Inc | USA |