In our study, we have divided the Drug Delivery Devices segment into Implantable Drug Delivery Devices, Infusion Pumps, Inhalers, Syringes, and Transdermal Patches sub-segments.
The exhibit below represents the top patent filers of Drug Delivery Devices. The French pharmaceutical company, Sanofi, is at #1 position with a considerable gap of 264 patents from Medtronic, which is due to its patent portfolio of Syringes.

In 2009, Sanofi announced to invest 87 million euros in syringes to double the manufacturing process. Sanofi wasn’t in the top ten list until 2011. In 2013, it raced ahead of Becton and Dickinson to be the top patent filer for syringes. The company recently announced plans to build a new vaccine-manufacturing facility with an investment of $431 million.
The runner up of Drug Delivery Devices, Medtronic, tops the patent filings in Implantable Drug Delivery Device, and Infusion Pumps.
The year wise patent filing in Drug Delivery Devices has remained consistent in the last ten years due to downward trend since 2013 in patent filings in Implantable Drug Delivery Devices. The decline is due to reduced participation by Medtronic and other top players since 2013.
The exhibit below represents year wise patent filing in Implantable Drug Delivery:

Top 3 Patent Holders of Sub Technology Cluster of Drug Delivery Device:

Analysis By: Vipin Singh, Marketing