Thomas Floyd Patents – Insights & Stats

Thomas L Floyd has filed 210 patents, out of which 185 have been granted. Of these 210 patents, more than 88% patents are active. Out of these 210 patents, 203 patents filed only in the US, out of which 184 patents has been granted.

Do read about some of the most popular patents of Thomas L Floyd which have been covered by us in this article and also you can find his patents filing trend over the years, the worldwide coverage and many other stats over Thomas L Floyd patent portfolio.

The data of inventors’ patents made available here is solely intended for informational purposes. Although we make every effort to maintain the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the provided information, we cannot guarantee that all data is completely free of errors or entirely up-to-date. If you happen to be the Inventor and wish to contribute additional data for your respective portfolio, kindly get in touch with us.

How many patents does Thomas L Floyd have?

Thomas L Floyd has a total of 210 patents. These patents belong to 201 unique patent families. Out of 210 patents, 185 patents are active.

How Many Patents did Thomas L Floyd File Every Year?

Are you wondering why there is a drop in patent filing for the last two years? It is because a patent application can take up to 18 months to get published. Certainly, it doesn’t suggest a decrease in the patent filing.

Year of Patents Filing or GrantThomas L Floyd Applications FiledThomas L Floyd Patents Granted

 How many Thomas L Floyd patents are Alive/Dead?

How Many Patents did Thomas L Floyd File in Different Countries?

Countries in which Thomas L Floyd Filed Patents

United States Of America203

Where are Research Centres of Thomas L Floyd Patents Located?

The Research Centre for all the Thomas L Floyd patents is the United States of America.

10 Best Thomas L Floyd Patents

US6953876B2 is the most popular patent in the Thomas L Floyd portfolio. It has received 1351 citations so far from companies like Monsanto Technology.

Below is the list of 10 most cited patents of Thomas L Floyd:

Publication NumberCitation Count

 How many inventions of other companies were rejected due to Thomas L Floyd patents?

The statistics below share strategic R&D insights. It tells the companies that were trying to protect inventions similar to Thomas L Floyd invention. They couldn’t because Thomas L Floyd had protected those before them.

Examiners at the USPTO used 36 Thomas L Floyd patents in 123 rejections (35 USC § 102 or 35 USC § 103 types).

The top companies whose faced patents application rejections citing Thomas L Floyd patent portfolio are Monsanto Technology, Stine Seed Farm Inc and Syngenta Participations Ag.

List of the Companies whose Patents were rejected citing Thomas L Floyd –

CompanyNumber of Patent Applications that faced Rejection Citing Thomas L Floyd PatentsNumber of Rejections (102 & 103)
Monsanto Technology4575
Stine Seed Farm Inc815
Syngenta Participations Ag45
Ms Technologies Llc23
Tianma Micro-Electronics Co Ltd212
Dupont Pioneer12
Globus Medical Inc14
Dairyland Seed Co Inc11
Amadeus Sas12

Count of 102 and 103 Type Rejections based on Thomas L Floyd Patents

Top Thomas L Floyd Patents used in Rejecting Most Patent Applications

Patent NumberCount of Rejected Applications

What are Thomas Floyd’s key innovation segments?

What Technologies are Covered by Thomas Floyd?

The chart below distributes patents filed by Thomas Floyd in different countries on the basis of the technology protected in patents. It also represents the markets where Thomas Floyd thinks it’s important to protect particular technology inventions.

R&D Focus: How has Thomas Floyd search focus changed over the years?


Interested in knowing about the areas of innovation that are being protected by Thomas Floyd?

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