Bharat Biotech Patents – Insights & Stats

From the beginning, Bharat Biotech has been a playground for bright ideas for developing innovative vaccines and bio-therapeutics. In the vaccine industry, the company has a reputation for working on challenging and neglected infectious diseases in the developing world.

The company has delivered over three billion vaccine doses all over the world for diseases like Rotavac, Chikungunya, and Hepatitis-B. It is known for developing the world’s cheapest rotavirus vaccine and the world’s first typhoid conjugate vaccine.

Also, Bharat Biotech has developed a vaccine for Zika Virus, Chikungunia, cell culture H1N1 swine flu, and recently a vaccine named Covaxin for Covid-19 in collaboration with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and is preparing to begin phase 1 and 2 clinical trials of COVAXIN this week.

Yearwise Patent Filing by Bharat Biotech (1999-2019)

The company has filed 280 patents worldwide between 1999 to 2019. The exhibit below represents the patent filing trend of the Bharat Biotech over the last two decades. 

Bharat Biotech  Patents Filing Trend

Geographical Distribution of Bharat Biotech Patents

Bharat Biotech filed most of their patents in India (41 patents). The exhibit below represents where Bharat Biotech has protected its patents around the globe.  

Geographical Patent Distribution
Bharat Biotech Patents

Which Technologies Bharat Biotech Patent Portfolio is Covering?

We found that 50 patents are filed for Viral antigens, 37 patents for treating Reoviridae, 19 for Salmonella, and 17 patents are filed for Vaccines. Overall 70% of Bharat Biotech patents are categorized in the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) A61K . The CPC A61K contains patents on devices or ways for bringing a drug into particular physical or administering forms.

Bharat BIotech Top Technologies

Bharat Biotech Top Inventors

Four out of the top five inventors of Bharat Biotech are from its management team. Krishna Murthy Ella (Founder & Director) has 195 patents under his name. Krishna Mohan Vajhala (Executive Director) with 82 patents is at #2, Kandaswamy Sumathy (Head – R&D) with 75 patents is the 3rd highest patent filer from Bharat Biotech, and Sai  D Prasad (President Quality Operations) is at 5th spot with 43 patents.

Bharat Biotech Top Inventors

Analysis By: Sachin Singh, RGT and Deepak Kumar, Marketing

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Our comprehensive report provides an in-depth look into the patent portfolio. The report includes a breakdown of the patent portfolio across various technologies, listing the patent along with brief summaries of each patent's technology.