Novatek Microelectronics has a total of 5261 patents globally, out of which 3371 have been granted. Of these 5261 patents, more than 47% patents are active. The United States of America is where Novatek Microelectronics has filed the maximum number of patents, followed by Taiwan and China. Parallelly, Taiwan seems to be the main focused R&D center and also Taiwan is the origin country of Novatek Microelectronics.
Novatek Microelectronics was founded in 1997. The Company designs, manufactures, and markets integrated circuits (ICs) and company’s products are used in telecommunication, computer peripherals, and LCD (liquid crystal display) drivers.
Do read about some of the most popular patents of Novatek Microelectronics which have been covered by us in this article and also you can find Novatek Microelectronics patents information, the worldwide patent filing activity and its patent filing trend over the years, and many other stats over Novatek Microelectronics patent portfolio.
How many patents does Novatek Microelectronics have?
Novatek Microelectronics has a total of 5261 patents globally. These patents belong to 2844 unique patent families. Out of 5261 patents, 2614 patents are active.
How Many Patents did Novatek Microelectronics File Every Year?
Are you wondering why there is a drop in patent filing for the last two years? It is because a patent application can take up to 18 months to get published. Certainly, it doesn’t suggest a decrease in the patent filing.
Year of Patents Filing or Grant | Novatek Microelectronics Applications Filed | Novatek Microelectronics Patents Granted |
2023 | – | 89 |
2022 | 134 | 295 |
2021 | 265 | 278 |
2020 | 421 | 172 |
2019 | 281 | 141 |
2018 | 158 | 130 |
2017 | 128 | 150 |
2016 | 148 | 263 |
2015 | 170 | 272 |
2014 | 213 | 268 |
2013 | 395 | 306 |
2012 | 470 | 280 |
2011 | 426 | 189 |
How many Novatek Microelectronics patents are Alive/Dead?
Worldwide Patents
How Many Patents did Novatek Microelectronics File in Different Countries?
Countries in which Novatek Microelectronics Filed Patents
Country | Patents |
United States Of America | 2022 |
Taiwan | 1605 |
China | 1572 |
Korea (South) | 42 |
Europe | 8 |
Japan | 8 |
Germany | 2 |
Hong Kong (S.A.R.) | 1 |
United Kingdom | 1 |
Where are the Research Centers of Novatek Microelectronics Patents Located?
10 Best Novatek Microelectronics Patents
US20050007461A1 is the most popular patent in the Novatek Microelectronics portfolio. It has received 112 citations so far from companies like Pelican Imaging Coporation, Fotonation Cayman Limited and Boston Polarimetrics Inc.
Below is the list of 10 most cited patents of Novatek Microelectronics:
Publication Number | Citation Count |
US20050007461A1 | 112 |
US20150091847A1 | 96 |
US20060244736A1 | 85 |
US8278832B2 | 78 |
US8643437B2 | 76 |
US20060112214A1 | 76 |
US20100321328A1 | 73 |
US20060240867A1 | 70 |
US20120038332A1 | 64 |
US8111054B2 | 61 |
How many inventions of other companies were rejected due to Novatek Microelectronics patents?
The statistics below share strategic R&D insights. It tells the companies that were trying to protect inventions similar to Novatek Microelectronics invention. They couldn’t because Novatek Microelectronics had protected those before them.
Examiners at the USPTO referred 671 Novatek Microelectronics patents in 2436 rejections (35 USC § 102 or 35 USC § 103 types).
The top citing companies in the Novatek Microelectronics patent portfolio are Huizhou Kimree Technology Co and Rai Strategic Holdings.
List of the Companies whose Patents were rejected citing Novatek Microelectronics –
Company | Number of Patent Applications that faced Rejection Citing Juul Patents | Number of Rejections (102 & 103) |
Samsung | 198 | 390 |
Boe Technology | 97 | 213 |
LG Electronics | 61 | 123 |
Apple | 35 | 60 |
Raydium Semiconductor Corporation | 25 | 46 |
Sharp | 25 | 38 |
Au Optronics | 22 | 36 |
Japan Display | 22 | 36 |
Himax | 22 | 55 |
Tsmc | 20 | 38 |
Count of 102 and 103 Type Rejections based on Novatek Microelectronics Patents
Top Novatek Microelectronics Patents used in Rejecting Most Patent Applications
Patent Number | Count of Rejected Applications |
US8018170B2 | 16 |
US8913017B2 | 14 |
US7973758B2 | 10 |
US8941598B2 | 8 |
US20070241422A1 | 8 |
US8223849B2 | 7 |
US7626568B2 | 7 |
US7893916B2 | 7 |
US7262818B2 | 7 |
US20140184939A1 | 7 |
US20130093692A1 | 7 |
US20140078133A1 | 7 |
US20100321328A1 | 7 |
US10019785B2 | 7 |
US20120038332A1 | 7 |
What Percentage of Novatek Microelectronics US Patent Applications were Granted?
Novatek Microelectronics (Excluding its subsidiaries) has filed 1847 patent applications at USPTO so far (Excluding Design and PCT applications). Out of these 1277 have been granted leading to a grant rate of 72.39%.
Below are the key stats of Novatek Microelectronics patent prosecution at the USPTO.
Which Law Firms Filed Most US Patents for Novatek Microelectronics?
Law Firm | Total Applications | Success Rate |
Jciprnet | 1058 | 75.57% |
North America Intellectual Property Corporation | 580 | 71.96% |
Rabin & Berdo | 90 | 28.89% |
J C Patents | 40 | 73.39% |
James Lynn O Sullivan | 38 | 92.86% |
Marshall Gerstein & Borun | 16 | 100.00% |
Hamre Schumann Mueller & Larson | 9 | 88.89% |
Rosenberg Klein & Lee | 4 | 100.00% |
Eric L Prahl | 2 | 100.00% |
Hauptman Ham Llp | 2 | 50.00% |
What are Novatek Microelectronics key innovation segments?
What Technologies are Covered by Novatek Microelectronics?
The chart below distributes patents filed by Novatek Microelectronics