Amazon Astro Patents

Amazon Astro is a home robot that designed to help with household tasks like security monitoring and interacting with smart devices. Equipped with cameras, sensors and AI, Astro can navigate your home, check for any issues, and provide video surveillance. It can also be controlled remotely using a smartphone.

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Recently, Amazon has been expanding Astro’s capabilities by adding new features for better home monitoring and enhancing its AI to interact more naturally with users, aiming to make it a more useful assistant for everyday life.

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Working Principle

Amazon Astro functions through a combination of robotics, AI, and environmental sensing technologies. The key working aspects of Astro include:

Autonomous Navigation: Astro uses a combination of cameras, sensors and algorithms to navigate within the home. These technologies enable the robot to map out the home’s environment and avoid obstacles as it moves around.

Security & Monitoring: One of Astro’s primary features is its ability to patrol your home and monitor for unusual activity. Equipped with a periscope camera that can extend for better views, Astro can detect motion, take photos, and send alerts to the user’s smartphone.

Voice Interaction: Integrated with Amazon Alexa, Astro allows for voice interaction, enabling users to control smart home devices, ask questions, and access a wide range of Alexa’s services. This makes Astro a versatile companion for daily tasks.

Communication Features: Astro is capable of video calling, acting as a moving telepresence device. Users can initiate video calls, and Astro will autonomously move to find the person on the other end of the call.

Package Handling: Astro can be programmed to deliver items within the home. It has secure storage compartments for safe transport of small items between rooms.

Key Patents behind Amazon Astro

US11501794B1:This patent covers Astro’s autonomous navigation system, which uses real-time environmental sensing and AI-based algorithms to create dynamic maps of its surroundings. The patent describes the use of multiple sensors to detect and avoid obstacles, allowing Astro to safely navigate through complex home environments. This technology also enables Astro to adapt its movement based on changes in its surroundings, such as the presence of people, pets, or furniture.

US11858128B1:This patent focuses on Astro’s secure package handling feature, which ensures safe delivery of items within a household. The system involves a secure compartment that can be remotely locked and unlocked, allowing users to store and retrieve items. This feature enhances Astro’s capability to assist with tasks such as delivering medicine, snacks, or other small items to different rooms without user intervention.

Products working on similar technology

Amazon Astro competes with other home assistant robots like iRobot’s Roomba, LG CLOi, and Samsung’s Bot Handy. These robots also use advanced AI, autonomous navigation, and home monitoring features, making them direct rivals in the growing market of smart home robotics.


Amazon Astro is a cutting-edge domestic robot that brings the future of AI-powered home assistance to life. With its advanced navigation, security features and seamless integration with Alexa, Astro represents Amazon’s commitment to transforming smart home technology. Astro is capable of enhancing convenience, safety, and entertainment in the home, making it a truly innovative product in the realm of robotics.

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