Patent Report:

GreyB Patent and Innovation Index 2025

What is in the report ?

We have analyzed 55+ million patents from various databases spanning 2019 to 2025 to identify key trends, emerging technologies, and leading players across 21 innovation-driven countries.

  1. Global Patent Trends – Application and grant patterns from 2019 to present across 21 countries.
  2. Technology Areas – Key emerging technologies and their geographical distribution.
  3. Top Innovators & Companies – Leading assignees, inventors, and major collaborations.
  4. Most Recognized Patents – The most referenced and highly valued patents.
  5. Innovation Landscape – Breakdown of active vs. inactive patents and regional growth patterns.

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Our comprehensive report provides an in-depth look into the patent portfolio. The report includes a breakdown of the patent portfolio across various technologies, listing the patent along with brief summaries of each patent's technology.