Israeli Startups

AI is become most demanding tech across the world in just a decade, Isreal ranked at 14th number in global innovation index that’s indicate the how much Israeli loved to innovate and build something new.

Over the last five years more than 650 new startups esblished in Isreal which are belong to different-2 domains. Notably, the Artificial Intelligence (AI) sector has seen explosive growth, with more than 300 startups established during this period. AI is not the only area experiencing rapid expansion—cybersecurity, biotechnology, and quantum computing have also seen strong growth.

List of Israeli Startups :-

Key Highlights Based on Data:

    1. AI Leads the Way: Out of 650 startups, more than 320 focus on AI, making it the dominant sector in Israeli innovation.
    2. Cybersecurity and Healthcare: After AI, cybersecurity and healthcare domains follow with 59 and 46 startups, respectively, showing significant growth in these essential sectors.
    3. Patent Activity: Many startups, like Babyark Ltd (focused on child safety technology) and Classiq Technologies Ltd (in quantum computing), have registered substantial patent counts, highlighting their innovative potential.
    4. Diversified Growth: Other key domains include fintech (34 startups) and biotechnology (21 startups), underscoring the diverse technological landscape in Israel.

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Our comprehensive report provides an in-depth look into the patent portfolio. The report includes a breakdown of the patent portfolio across various technologies, listing the patent along with brief summaries of each patent's technology.