Geena Malhotra Patents – Insights & Stats
Geena Malhotra has filed 1545 patents, out of which 431 have been granted. Of these 1545 patents, more than 36% patents are active. Out of these 1545 patents 187 patents…
Geena Malhotra has filed 1545 patents, out of which 431 have been granted. Of these 1545 patents, more than 36% patents are active. Out of these 1545 patents 187 patents…
Anita Gehlot has filed 567 patents, out of which 32 have been granted. Of these 567 patents, more than 97% patents are active. Out of these 567 patents, 507 patents…
Rajavelsamy Rajadurai has filed 593 patents, out of which 261 have been granted. Of these 593 patents, more than 78% patents are active. Out of these 593 patents, 118 patents…
Mahesh Kandula has filed 819 patents, out of which 227 have been granted. Of these 819 patents, more than 57% patents are active. Out of these 819 patents, 63 patents…
Srinivasan Thirumalai Rajan has filed 730 patents, out of which 153 have been granted. Of these 730 patents, more than 62% patents are active. Out of these 730 patents, 471…
Lalith Kumar has filed 595 patents, out of which 93 have been granted. Of these 595 patents, more than 83% patents are active. Out of these 595 patents, 134 patents…
Arpan Pal has filed 666 patents, out of which 357 have been granted. Of these 666 patents, more than 85% patents are active. Out of these 666 patents, 199 patents…
Samraj Jabez Dhinagar has filed 684 patents, out of which 222 have been granted. Of these 684 patents, more than 78% patents are active. Out of these 684 patents, 325…
Vijay Bhaskar Ajgaonkar has filed 565 patents, out of which none of patents have been granted. Of these 565 patents, all of the patents are active. All these 565 patents…
Venkata P Palle has filed 1540 patents, out of which 613 have been granted. Of these 1540 patents, more than 44% patents are active. Out of these 1540 patents, 100…