Ajit Nimbalker Patents – Insights & Stats

Ajit Nimbalker

United States

Total Patents
Granted Patents
Associated Companies
Field of Invention
Electronic and Communications
#17 in Illinois

Ajit Nimbalker has filed 839 patents, out of which 411 have been granted. Of these 839 patents, more than 74% patents are active. Out of these 839 patents, 239 patents filed only in the US, out of which 157 patents has been granted.

Key patents of Ajit Nimbalker?

S. No.
Publication Number
First Filing Year
Tech Area
Resource Sharing In…
Wireless Communication
Positioning Reference…
Wireless Communication
Apparatus And Method…
Wireless Communication
Method For Relays Wit..
Wireless Communication
Method And Apparatus…
Wireless Communication

Do read about some of the most popular patents of Ajit Nimbalker which have been covered by us in this article and also you can find his patents filing tend over the years, the worldwide coverage and many other stats over Ajit Nimbalker patent portfolio.

The data of inventors patents made available here is solely intended for informational purposes. Although we make every effort to maintain the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the provided information, we cannot guarantee that all data is completely free of errors or entirely up-to-date. If you happen to be the Inventor and wish to contribute additional data for your respective portfolio, kindly get in touch with us.

How many patents does Ajit Nimbalker have?

Ajit Nimbalker has a total of 839 patents. These patents belong to 141 unique patent families. Out of 839 patents, 621 patents are active.

How Many Patents did Ajit Nimbalker File Every Year?

Are you wondering why there is a drop in patent filing for the last two years? It is because a patent application can take up to 18 months to get published. Certainly, it doesn’t suggest a decrease in the patent filing.

Year of Patents Filing or Grant Ajit Nimbalker Applications Filed Ajit Nimbalker Patents Granted
2023 3 24
2022 40 37
2021 82 57
2020 109 37
2019 51 38
2018 62 33
2017 18 29
2016 123 28
2015 16 33
2014 26 26
2013 34 30
2012 67 23

How many Ajit Nimbalker patents are Alive/Dead?

How Many Patents did Ajit Nimbalker File in Different Countries?

Countries in which Ajit Nimbalker Filed Patents

Country Patents
United States Of America 239
Europe 140
China 95
Korea (South) 73
Japan 37
Brazil 24
Mexico 16
Spain 12
Russia 12
Taiwan 11
South Africa 7
Colombia 7
Argentina 7
Poland 6
Germany 5
Canada 5
Australia 4
Malaysia 3
Denmark 2
Austria 1
Chile 1
Philippines 1
Israel 1

Where are Research Centres of Ajit Nimbalker Patents Located?

The research center of all the Ajit Nimbalker patents is the United States of America.

10 Best Ajit Nimbalker Patents

US20100120442A1 is the most popular patent in the Ajit Nimbalker portfolio. It has received 293 citations so far from companies like Blackberry, Samsung and Futurewei Technologies.

Below is the list of 10 most cited patents of Ajit Nimbalker:

Publication Number Citation Count
US20100120442A1 293
US20120122472A1 188
US7940740B2 166
US20100110964A1 107
US20120281594A1 68
US20130121304A1 66
US20120263117A1 64
US8194603B2 49
US9247506B2 36
WO2010144765A1 35

How many inventions of other companies were rejected due to Ajit Nimbalker patents?

The statistics below share strategic R&D insights. It tells the companies that were trying to protect inventions similar to Ajit Nimbalker invention. They couldn’t because Ajit Nimbalker had protected those before them.

Examiners at the USPTO used 125 Ajit Nimbalker patents in 2297 rejections (35 USC § 102 or 35 USC § 103 types).

The top companies whose faced patents application rejections citing Ajit Nimbalker patent portfolio are Qualcomm, LG and Samsung.

List of the Companies whose Patents were rejected citing Ajit Nimbalker –

Company Number of Patent Applications that faced Rejection Citing Ajit Nimbalker Patents Number of Rejections (102 & 103)
Qualcomm 206 482
LG Electronics 151 259
Samsung Electronics 89 168
Ericsson 83 169
Huawei 68 121
Ntt Docomo 37 78
Apple 33 57
Zte 30 54
Sharp Kk 29 62
Blackberry Limited 24 70

Count of 102 and 103 Type Rejections based on Ajit Nimbalker Patents

Top Ajit Nimbalker Patents used in Rejecting Most Patent Applications

Patent Number Count of Rejected Applications
US8934417B2 80
US7940740B2 64
US20100120442A1 43
US8284732B2 39
US9252918B2 36
US9002354B2 30
US8982693B2 28
US20120122472A1 28
US8537724B2 28
US8761109B2 26
US8194603B2 25
US9197387B2 24
US9185697B2 24
US8605615B2 24
US11025456B2 23

What are Ajit Nimbalker’s key innovation segments?

What Technologies are Covered by Ajit Nimbalker?

The chart below distributes patents filed by Ajit Nimbalker in different countries on the basis of the technology protected in patents. It also represents the markets where Ajit Nimbalker thinks it’s important to protect particular technology inventions.

R&D Focus: How has Ajit Nimbalker search focus changed over the years?


Interested in knowing about the areas of innovation that are being protected by Ajit Nimbalker?

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Our comprehensive report provides an in-depth look into the patent portfolio. The report includes a breakdown of the patent portfolio across various technologies, listing the patent along with brief summaries of each patent's technology.