Cerebri AI Patents – Insights & Stats (Updated 2023)

Cerebri AI has a total of 38 patents globally, out of which 21 have been granted. Of these 38 patents, more than 84% patents are active. The United States is where Cerebri AI has filed the maximum number of patents. Parallelly, the USA seems to be the main focused R&D center of Cerebri AI and is also the origin country of the firm.

Cerebri AI was founded in the year 2016 by Jean Bélanger and Thejas Prasad. Company provides customers with “Answers-as-a-Service” using our CVX real-time AI software platform.

Do read about some of the most popular patents of Cerebri AI which have been covered by us in this article and also you can find Cerebri AI patents information, the worldwide patent filing activity and its patent filing trend over the years, and many other stats over Cerebri AI patent portfolio.

How many patents does Cerebri AI have?

Cerebri AI has a total of 38 patents globally. These patents belong to 10 unique patent families. Out of 38 patents, 32 patents are active.

How Many Patents did Cerebri AI File Every Year?

Cerebri AI Patent Filing Trend

Are you wondering why there is a drop in patent filing for the last two years? It is because a patent application can take up to 18 months to get published. Certainly, it doesn’t suggest a decrease in the patent filing.

Year of Patents Filing or GrantCerebri AI Applications FiledCerebri AI Patents Granted

How many Cerebri AI patents are Alive/Dead?

Worldwide Patents

Cerebri AI Patent Portfolio

How Many Patents did Cerebri AI File in Different Countries?

The United States is where Cerebri AI has filed all patents.

Where are Research Centres of Cerebri AI Patents Located?

The R&D Centre of patents filed by Cerebri AI is USA.

10 Best Cerebri AI Patents

US20210056569A1 is the most popular patent in the Cerebri AI portfolio. It has received 84 citations so far from companies like Capital One Services and OneTrust LLC.

Below is the list of 10 most cited patents of Cerebri AI:

Publication NumberCitation Count

List of Cerebri AI patents

Cerebri AI PatentsTitle
US11783375B2Customer Journey Management Engine
US11776060B2Object-Oriented Machine Learning Governance
US11757850B2Distributed Logging For Securing Non-Repudiable Multi-Party Transactions
US11636393B2Predictive, Machine-Learning, Time-Series Computer Models Suitable For Sparse Training Sets
US11620477B2Decoupled Scalable Data Engineering Architecture
US11615271B2Machine Learning Pipeline Optimization
US11599752B2Distributed And Redundant Machine Learning Quality Management
US11556846B2Collaborative Multi-Parties/Multi-Sources Machine Learning For Affinity Assessment, Performance Scoring, And Recommendation Making
US11537878B2Machine-Learning Models To Leverage Behavior-Dependent Processes
US11501213B2Predictive, Machine-Learning, Locale-Aware Computer Models Suitable For Location- And Trajectory-Aware Training Sets
US11481790B2Customer Experience Artificial Intelligence Management Engine
US11449931B2Dynamic Business Governance Based On Events
US11416896B2Customer Journey Management Engine
US11386295B2Privacy And Proprietary-Information Preserving Collaborative Multi-Party Machine Learning
US11082409B2Verifying Message Authenticity With Decentralized Tamper-Evident Logs
US11068942B2Customer Journey Management Engine
US10861028B2Detecting And Reducing Bias (Including Discrimination) In An Automated Decision Making Process
US10783535B2Business Artificial Intelligence Management Engine
US10762563B2Monitoring And Controlling Continuous Stochastic Processes Based On Events In Time Series Data
US10484343B1Distributed Logging For Securing Non-Repudiable Multi-Party Transactions
US10402723B1Multi-Stage Machine-Learning Models To Control Path-Dependent Processes
US20230206124A1Collaborative Multi-Parties/Multi-Sources Machine Learning For Affinity Assessment, Performance Scoring, And Recommendation Making
US20230186083A1Machine-Learning Models To Leverage Behavior-Dependent Processes
US20230162289A1Machine Learning Pipeline Optimization
US20230141553A1Customer Experience Artificial Intelligence Management Engine
US20230135619A1Predictive, Machine-Learning, Locale-Aware Computer Models Suitable For Location- And Trajectory-Aware Training Sets
US20230085451A1Dynamic Business Governance Based On Events
US20230080773A1Privacy & Proprietary-Information Preserving Collaborative Multi-Party Machine Learning
US20210342490A1Auditable Secure Reverse Engineering Proof Machine Learning Pipeline And Methods
US20210174257A1Federated Machine-Learning Platform Leveraging Engineered Features Based On Statistical Tests
US20210056569A1Detecting And Reducing Bias (Including Discrimination) In An Automated Decision Making Process
US20210035152A1Predicting The Effectiveness Of A Marketing Campaign Prior To Deployment
US20200402084A1Object-Oriented Ai Modeling
US20190019213A1Predicting The Effectiveness Of A Marketing Campaign Prior To Deployment
WO2020247499A1Machine Learning Pipeline Optimization
WO2020227434A1Predictive, Machine-Learning, Locale-Aware Computer Models Suitable For Location- And Trajectory-Aware Training Sets
WO2020056060A1Multi-Stage Machine-Learning Models To Control Path-Dependent Processes
WO2020018392A1Monitoring And Controlling Continuous Stochastic Processes Based On Events In Time Series Data

What are Cerebri AI’s key innovation segments?

What Technologies are Covered by Cerebri AI?

The chart below distributes patents filed by Cerebri AI in different countries on the basis of the technology protected in patents. It also represents the markets where Cerebri AI thinks it’s important to protect particular technology inventions.

R&D Focus: How has Cerebri AI’s search focus changed over the years?


Interested in knowing about the areas of innovation that are being protected by Cerebri AI?

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Our comprehensive report provides an in-depth look into the patent portfolio. The report includes a breakdown of the patent portfolio across various technologies, listing the patent along with brief summaries of each patent's technology.