Mizuho Financial Group Patents – Key Insights and Stats

Mizuho Financial Group has a total of 784 patents globally, out of which 394 have been granted. Of these 784 patents, more than 47% patents are active. Japan is where Mizuho Financial Group has filed the maximum number of patents, followed by United States of America and Europe, it has generated an annual revenue of $31.82 billion in the year 2020. Parallelly, Japan seems to be the main focused R&D center and is also the origin country of Mizuho Financial Group.

Mizuho Financial Group was founded in the year 2001. Company is doing business in offering financial and strategic services through its group companies, which include Mizuho Bank and Mizuho Securities. As of January 2022, Mizuho Financial Group has a market cap of $35.99 Billion.

Do read about some of the most popular patents of Mizuho Financial Group which have been covered by us in this article and also you can find Mizuho Financial Group’s patents information, the worldwide patent filing activity and its patent filing trend over the years, and many other stats over Mizuho Financial Group’s patent portfolio.

How many patents does CEO of Mizuho Financial Group have?

The CEO, Tatsufumi Sakai has 0 patents.

How many patents does Mizuho Financial Group have?

Mizuho Financial Group has a total of 784 patents globally. These patents belong to 710 unique patent families. Out of 784 patents, 372 patents are active.

How many Mizuho Financial Group patents are Alive/Dead?

Worldwide Patents

Mizuho Financial Group Worldwide Legal Trends

Patent Families

Mizuho Financial Group Patent Portfolio

How Many Patents did Mizuho Financial Group File Every Year?

Mizuho Financial Group Patent Filing Trend

Are you wondering why there is a drop in patent filing for the last two years? It is because a patent application can take up to 18 months to get published. Certainly, it doesn’t suggest a decrease in the patent filing.

Year of Patents Filing or GrantMizuho Financial Group Applications FiledMizuho Financial Group Patents Granted

How Many Patents did Mizuho Financial Group File in Different Countries?

Mizuho Financial Group Worldwide Filing

Countries in which Mizuho Financial Group Filed Patents

United States Of America14
Korea (South)7
Saudi Arabia1

Where are Research Centers of Mizuho Financial Group Patents Located?

Mizuho Financial Group R&D Centers

10 Best Mizuho Financial Group Patents

JP2002298051A is the most popular patent in the Mizuho Financial Group portfolio. It has received 53 citations so far from companies like Mitsubishi Electric Information Systems, Intel and Softbank.

Below is the list of 10 most cited patents of Mizuho Financial Group:

Publication NumberCitation Count

In terms of inventive creativity, advanced technology, and future commercial potential, Mizuho Financial Group’s business position has not always been good. In today’s business environment, Mizuho Financial Group is looking to create new businesses and provide highly convenient services for our customers more than ever before, in order to establish an advanced brand image as a financial institution, by collaborating with large vendors who have these strengths and Fintech companies.

In recent years, there has been a worldwide movement toward providing innovative financial services, which has been dubbed “Fintech.” Fintech encompasses technology such as big data, artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain, and is regarded as a forerunner of new financial services. In line with this trend, the Banking Act in Japan has been updated to allow financial institutions to work with venture enterprises that are expected to produce new financial services in order to foster open innovation. In this regard, the so–called “5% rule,” which limited financial institutions’ voting ownership in other companies to 5% under the Banking Act, has been eased to allow investment in finance–related IT companies (Fintech companies).

Mizuho Financial Group is supporting the use of blockchain technology in financial services by assisting with the launch of the first blockchain–based verification project led by Japanese enterprises, which will use the technology for worldwide international remittances and international securities settlement services.

Mizuho Financial Group has also put AI-programmed humanoid robots in its branches to do tasks like as evaluating customers’ insurance coverage and assisting customers with account opening. Through addition, Mizuho is considering applying the information and know–how gained from these initiatives in channels other than robots, including as mobile devices and ATMs, to deliver wholly new services that have never been offered before.


What are Mizuho Financial Group key innovation segments?

What Technologies are Covered by Mizuho Financial Group?

The chart below distributes patents filed by Mizuho Financial Group in different countries on the basis of the technology protected in patents. It also represents the markets where Mizuho Financial Group thinks it’s important to protect particular technology inventions.

R&D Focus: How Mizuho Financial Group search focus changed over the years?


Interested in knowing about the areas of innovation that are being protected by Mizuho Financial Group?

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Our comprehensive report provides an in-depth look into the patent portfolio. The report includes a breakdown of the patent portfolio across various technologies, listing the patent along with brief summaries of each patent's technology.