Neil Anthony Patents – Insights and Stats (Updated 2025)

Neil Anthony

Professor at University of Bristol
United Kingdom

Neil Anthony has a total of 104 patents globally, out of which 51 have been granted. Of these 104 patents, more than 10% patents are active. The United Kingdom is where Neil Anthony has filed the maximum number of patents, followed by the United States of America and Germany.

Total Patents 104
Granted Patents 51
Associated Companies/University University of Bristol
Field of Invention Consumer Electronics

Neil Anthony is a distinguished academic and technologist known for his expertise in materials science and energy research. He is currently a Professor at the University of Bristol, specializing in analytical skills and materials science. Previously, he served as a Senior Research Fellow and Reader in Materials for Energy at the University of Bristol, contributing significantly to advancements in innovative materials for energy applications.

Key Patents of Neil Anthony

S. No. Publication Number Title First Filing Year Tech Area
1 US5663611A Plasma display Panel with field emitters 1995 Display Components
2 US6284556B1 Diamond surfaces 1996 Display Surfaces
3 US5150965A Radiation-emitting panels and display… 1990 Display Components
4 US5880559A Electrodes and lamps 1996 Lighting Devices
5 US20060261719A1 Field emitter device 2003 Display Emitter Technology

The data of inventors patents made available here is solely intended for informational purposes. Although we make every effort to maintain the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the provided information, we cannot guarantee that all data is completely free of errors or entirely up-to-date. If you happen to be the Inventor and wish to contribute additional data for your respective portfolio, kindly get in touch with us.

How many patents does Neil Anthony have?

Neil Anthony has a total of 104 patents globally. These patents belong to 31 unique patent families. Out of 104 patents, 10 patents are active.

How Many Patents did Neil Anthony File Every Year?

Neil Anthony Patent Filing Trend

Are you wondering why there is a drop in patent filing for the last two years? It is because a patent application can take up to 18 months to get published. Certainly, it doesn’t suggest a decrease in the patent filing.

Year of Patents Filing or Grant Neil Anthony Applications Filed Neil Anthony Patents Granted
2024 2
2023 1
2022 5 1
2021 1
2020 2
2019 1
2018 4
2017 1
2014 1

How many Neil Anthony patents are Alive/Dead?

Worldwide Patents

Neil Anthony Patent Portfolio

How Many Patents did Neil Anthony File in Different Countries?

Neil Anthony Worldwide Patent Filing

Countries in which Neil Anthony Filed Patents

Country Patents
United Kingdom 20
United States of America 19
Germany 16
Japan 15
Europe (EPO) 9
France 9
Canada 2
Korea (South) 2
Australia 1
China 1
Russia 1
Austria 1

Where are Research Centers of Neil Anthony Patents Located?

R&D Centers of Neil Anthony

10 Best Neil Anthony Patents

US5663611A is the most popular patent in the Neil Anthony portfolio. It has received 60 citations so far from companies like Matsushita Electric Industrial, Cathodeon and Motorola.

Below is the list of 10 most cited patents of Neil Anthony:

Publication Number Citation Count
US5663611A 60
US6284556B1 33
US5150965A 28
US5880559A 23
US20060261719A1 23
US6538368B1 22
US6414444B2 22
US5408160A 17
US5952772A 16
US5272410A 14

What are Neil Anthony key innovation segments? 

What Technologies are Covered by Neil Anthony?



The chart below distributes patents filed by Neil Anthony in different countries on the basis of the technology protected in patents. It also represents the markets where Neil Anthony thinks it’s important to protect particular technology inventions.



R&D Focus: How has Neil Anthony search focus changed over the years?




Interested in knowing about the areas of innovation that are being protected by Neil Anthony?

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Our comprehensive report provides an in-depth look into the patent portfolio. The report includes a breakdown of the patent portfolio across various technologies, listing the patent along with brief summaries of each patent's technology.