Netflix Patents – Insights & Stats (Updated 2024)

Netflix needs no introduction. From a DVD-by-mail service, the company has grown to the world’s one of the largest subscription-based OTT services with a market cap of $213.39B in Sep 2020, and a net income of $1.86 bn in 2019.

One can see Netflix’s success from the increase in its revenue (19x in twelve years) and subscribers (2.5x in five years).

Below are 15 key statistics and insights into Netflix’s patent portfolio. You can also read our analysis, What is Inside Netflix’s Patents, to get high-level details on:

1. Different technology areas where Netlfix has filed patents
2. Some of the top problems solved by Netflix patents in different technology areas

How many patents does Netflix have?

Netflix’s patent portfolio has a total of 1887 patents in its worldwide patent portfolio which belong to 319 unique patent families. Out of 962 patents, 781 are patent applications, and 1568 are granted patents.

Also, 221 out of 1887 patents are dead in the Netflix patent portfolio. These inactive patents include 221 applications and 8 granted patents. The rest of 1666 alive patent documents consists of 781 applications and 1106 granted patents.

How many Netflix Patents are Alive/Dead?

Worldwide Patents

Netflix Patent Portfolio

How many patent applications did Netflix file every year?

Netflix Patent Filing Trend

Are you wondering why there is a drop in patent filing for the last two years? It is because a patent application can take up to 18 months to get published. Certainly, it doesn’t suggest a decrease in the patent filing.

How Many Patents did Netflix File in Different Countries?

Netflix Worldwide Patent Filing

What Technologies are Covered by Netflix Patents?

Netflix Technology Area

Want to know what sort of patents are in Distributed Computing or Media Streaming? We have covered that here: What is Inside Netflix’s Patents?

R&D Focus: How Netflix’s Research Focus Changed Over the Years?

Netflix Patent Portfolio

10 Best Netflix Patents

US9990499B2 is the most popular patent in the Netflix portfolio. It has received 214 citations so far from companies like Amazon, OneTrust and Walmart Apollo.

Publication NumberCitation Count

Which Companies are using Netflix’s Patents to Advance their Research?

If patents or patents from a particular technology area of a company receive a lot of citations, it implies that the technology is being followed and incrementally innovated by the citing companies. It also indicates that citing companies are working on similar and closely related technologies

The top-cited technologies in the Netflix patent portfolio are Media Streaming, Content Recommendation, and Distributed Computing. Google, IBM, and Microsoft as the top forward citing assignees.

CompanyNumber of Patents
Microsoft 40
Comcast Cable16
Sony Interactive Entertainment14

How many inventions of other companies were rejected due to Netflix patents?

The statistics below share strategic R&D insights. It tells the companies that were trying to protect inventions similar to Netflix. They couldn’t because Netflix had them protected already.

Examiners at the USPTO used 120 Netflix patents in 1100 rejections (35 USC § 102 or 35 USC § 103 types). Below is the distribution of the number of blocked patent applications vs the technology cluster of Netflix patents.

Netflix Patent Technology Area

Count of 102 and 103 Type Rejections based on Netflix Patents

Which Companies’ Patent Applications were Rejected the Most?

Netflix Patent Portfolio

Top Netflix Patents used in Rejecting Most Patent Applications

Patent NumberCount of Rejected Applications

What Percentage of Netflix’s US Patent Applications were Granted?

Netflix has filed 545 patent applications at USPTO so far (Excluding Design and PCT applications). Out of these 437 have been granted leading to a grant rate of 97.33%.

Below are the key stats of Netflix’s patent prosecution at the USPTO. You can check the performance of FAANG at the USPTO here.

Which Law Firms Filed Most US Patents for Netflix?

Law FirmTotal ApplicationsSuccess Rate
Artegis Law Group Llp Netflix41898.88%
Greenberg Traurig Llp Netflix Inc12193.10%
Hickman Becker Bingham Ledesma Llp350.00%
Hickman Palermo Truong & Becker Llp10.00%
Netflix (Inhouse IP Dept)10.00%
Patterson Sheridan LLP1100.00%

One more thing, We have converted this entire analysis in PDF form that you can download and save for later reading (or sharing with your friends). You can download it using the form below:

Table of Content

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Animal Logic Fuel
Animal Logic Llc
Animal Logic Pty Ltd
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Boss Fight Entertainment Inc
Fuel Vfx Pty Ltd
Helsinki Gameworks Oy
Line Global Llc
Lume Games Oy
Millarworld Ltd
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Our comprehensive report provides an in-depth look into the patent portfolio. The report includes a breakdown of the patent portfolio across various technologies, listing the patent along with brief summaries of each patent's technology.