Patent Filing Trends and Top Patent Holders in the US between 2007-18 in Concrete, Mortar, and Artificial Stone (9931 Patents)

The global cement and concrete is forecasted to grow by over 337 billion by 2022 at a CAGR of 8% (2018-2022). 57% of this growth will come from APAC region due to presence of emerging economies like India, China, Philippines, and Indonesia.

In Western Europe and North American countries, foreign investment is expected to drive the concrete and cement market. Reconstruction of existing structures and rehabilitation will increase the demand in these countries.

The dry mix mortar market is forecasted to follow a CAGR of 6.7% during 2019-2024. Construction activities in APAC and United States are going to drive the market. One thing that could hinder the growth of the market is high price of dry mix mortar.

A total of 9931 patents are filed in the USPTO during the last 10 years. The charts below represent the research trends and top players.

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