Yong-Joong Kim is listed as one of the top inventors of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) domain. His research interests are in Deep Learning, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning.
He works at StradVision as an algorithm engineer. His patent portfolio has 824 patents related to AI which belongs to 140 unique patent families. The sections below offer key statistics on Yong-Joong Kim patents.
To which tech area Yong-Joong Kim patents belong?
How many patent applications did Yong-Joong Kim file every year?
In which countries Yong-Joong Kim patents are filed?
How many of Yong-Joong Kim Patents are Alive/Dead?
Worldwide Patents
Patent Families
In which different technology areas Yong-Joong Kim worked over the years?
An Interesting Fact about Yong-Joong Kim Patents
The most popular patent in Yong-Joong Kim portfolio is US10169679B1. It has been cited 27 times by companies Didi Res America Llc, Stradvision Inc, and Beijing Didi Infinity Technology. The patent is protected in countries like United States, China, Korea, and Japan.