Arrow Electronics Patents – Key Insights and Stats

Arrow Electronics was founded in 1935 by Maurice Goldberg. Company doing business in Information Technology and Services industry. The Company offers wide range of products of value-added distribution, global supply chain management, marketing and business development support services, emerging technology solutions, IT asset disposition and value recovery, design engineering, enterprise mobility, and data center management. As of November 2021, Arrow Electronics has a market cap of $08.95 Billion.

Arrow Electronics has a total of 58 patents globally, out of which 11 have been granted. Of these 58 patents, more than 52% patents are active. USA is where Arrow Electronics has filed the maximum number of patents, followed by Australia and Europe and it also seems reasonable as the biggest market for Arrow Electronics is USA. USA seems to be the main focused R&D center and is also the origin country of Arrow Electronics.

Do read about some of the most popular patents of Arrow Electronics which have been covered by us in this article and also you can find Arrow Electronics patents information, the worldwide patent filing activity and its patent filing trend over the years, and many other stats over Arrow Electronics’s patent portfolio.

How many patents does Arrow Electronics have?

Arrow Electronics has a total of 58 patents globally. These patents belong to 23 unique patent families. Out of 58 patents, 30 patents are active.

How many Arrow Electronics patents are Alive/Dead?

Worldwide Patents

Arrow Electronics Patent Portfolio

Patent Families

Arrow Electronics Patent

How Many Patents did Arrow Electronics File Every Year?

Arrow Electronics Patent Filing

Are you wondering why there is a drop in patent filing for the last two years? It is because a patent application can take up to 18 months to get published. Certainly, it doesn’t suggest a decrease in the patent filing.

Year of Patents Filing or GrantArrow Applications FiledArrow Patents Granted

How Many Patents did Arrow Electronics File in Different Countries?

Arrow Electronics Worldwide Patent

Countries in which Arrow Electronics Filed Patents

United States Of America26
Korea (South)1
Hong Kong (S.A.R.)1

Where are Research Centers of Arrow Electronics Patents Located?

Research Centers of Arrow Electronics

10 Best Arrow Electronics Patents

US20150068523A1 is the most popular patent in the Arrow Electronics portfolio. It has received 64 citations so far from companies like Juul, Pax Labs and QuipIP Llc.

Below is the list of 10 most cited patents of Arrow Electronics:

Publication NumberCitation Count

What Percentage of Arrow Electronics US Patent Applications were Granted?

Arrow Electronics (Excluding its subsidiaries) has filed 101 patent applications at USPTO so far (Excluding Design and PCT applications). Out of these 80 have been granted leading to a grant rate of 80.0%.

Below are the key stats of Arrow Electronics patent prosecution at the USPTO.

Which Law Firms Filed Most US Patents for Arrow Electronics?

Law FirmTotal ApplicationsSuccess Rate
Gallium Law7180.28%
Tsircou Law450.00%
Hogan Lovells30.00%
Peter Langer3100.00%
Steven Colby3100.00%
Tutunjian & Bitetto3100.00%
Clements Bernard Baratta Walker3100.00%
Eugene H Nahm2100.00%
Fishman Stewart Pllc1100.00%

Over 180,000 leading technology manufacturers and service providers rely on Arrow Electronics to help them innovate. Arrow Electronics develops technology solutions that benefit business and everyday lives, with 2020 sales of $28.67 billion. Its comprehensive portfolio, which spans the whole technology landscape, enables clients to design, manufacture, and manage forward-thinking solutions that make technology’s benefits available to as many people as possible.
Sam Schmidt, a paraplegic former IndyCar race driver, was able to drive again using only his head motion after Arrow customised a Corvette.

Arrow and its partners devised a system in which the driver wore an infrared-sensor-equipped racing cap. When these sensors were combined with cameras, the system was able to track the driver’s delicate head movements in real time. The driver directed the car by staring in the desired direction. A rotating actuator on the steering wheel received data from the camera and sensor, which was interpreted by the processor.

The driver would lean back in his seat and tap the headrest to command the automobile to accelerate in 10-mph increments. A rotating actuator mounted to the gas pedal caused the car to respond immediately. The driver bit down on a sensor between his teeth to brake, sending an instruction to a rotary actuator attached to the brake pedal. These are some examples of the innovations and cool things which Arrow Electronics is working on.

What are Arrow Electronics key innovation segments?

What Technologies are Covered by Arrow Electronics?

The chart below distributes patents filed by Arrow Electronics in different countries on the basis of the technology protected in patents. It also represents the markets where Arrow Electronics thinks it’s important to protect particular technology inventions.

R&D FocusHow Arrow Electronics research focus changed over the years?

Interested in knowing about the areas of innovation that are being protected by Arrow Electronics?

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Our comprehensive report provides an in-depth look into the patent portfolio. The report includes a breakdown of the patent portfolio across various technologies, listing the patent along with brief summaries of each patent's technology.