Bharat Electronics has a total of 216 patents globally, out of which 13 have been granted. Of these 216 patents, more than 97% patents are active. India is where Bharat Electronics has filed the maximum number of patents, followed by Singapore and Australia, it has generated an annual revenue of ₹15,000 Crores in the year 2021. Parallelly, India seems to be the main focused R&D center and also the origin country of Bharat Electronics.
Bharat Electronics was founded in the year 1954 by Govt. of India. Company is doing business in manufacturing advanced electronic products for ground and aerospace applications. As of May 2022, Bharat Electronics has a market cap of ₹56,261 Crores.
Do read about some of the most popular patents of Bharat Electronics which have been covered by us in this article and also you can find Bharat Electronics patents information, the worldwide patent filing activity and its patent filing trend over the years, and many other stats over Bharat Electronics patent portfolio.
How many patents does the Chairman of Bharat Electronics have?
The Chairman, Anandi Ramalingam has 0 patents.
How many patents does Bharat Electronics have?
Bharat Electronics has a total of 216 patents globally. These patents belong to 214 unique patent families. Out of 216 patents, 211 patents are active.
How Many Patents did Bharat Electronics File Every Year?
Are you wondering why there is a drop in patent filing for the last two years? It is because a patent application can take up to 18 months to get published. Certainly, it doesn’t suggest a decrease in the patent filing.
Year of Patents Filing or Grant | Bharat Electronics Applications Filed | Bharat Electronics Patents Granted |
2011 | – | – |
2012 | 3 | – |
2013 | – | – |
2014 | 3 | – |
2015 | 8 | – |
2016 | 9 | – |
2017 | 14 | – |
2018 | 24 | – |
2019 | 55 | 1 |
2020 | 87 | – |
2021 | 7 | 6 |
2022 | – | 4 |
How many Bharat Electronics patents are Alive/Dead?
Worldwide Patents
How Many Patents did Bharat Electronics File in Different Countries?
Countries in which Bharat Electronics Filed Patents
Country | Patents |
India | 212 |
Singapore | 1 |
Australia | 1 |
Africa | 1 |
Where are Research Centers of Bharat Electronics Patents Located?
What are Bharat Electronics key innovation segments?