Catia Bastioli is an Italian inventor and she is CEO of Novamont Spa. is She is also listed as one of the top female inventors and winner of the European Inventor Award 2007.
Catia Bastioli’s global patent portfolio has 1291 patents that belong to 186 unique patent families. Below are key statistics of Catia Bastioli patents:
To which tech area Catia Bastioli patents belong?
How many patent applications did Catia Bastioli file every year?
In which countries Catia Bastioli patents are filed?
How many of Catia Bastioli Patents are Alive/Dead?
Worldwide Patents
Patent Families
In which different technology areas Catia Bastioli worked over the Years?
An Interesting Fact about Catia Bastioli Patents
The most popular patent in the Catia Bastioli portfolio is US5412005A. It has been cited 260 times by companies DuPont, Kimberly-Clark, Jones Pharma, and Novamont. The patent is protected in countries like United States, Australia, Brazil, Canada, and Japan.