Topic: Apple Patents

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Countries of inventors of Apple US patents

10369 inventors at Apple‘s filed 24213 US patents between 1976 and 2020. These Apple inventors belong to 73 different countries. The donut chart below shares the percentage contribution of inventors from the top ten countries in Apple’s US patent filing. Countries of Inventors of Apple’s US Patents Country Inventor Patent

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How many patent applications did Apple Abandon? (2000-2020)

Between 2000 and 2020, Apple filed 42921 patent applications at the USPTO and abandoned 3477 (8.1%) patent applications. Also, 297 companies abandoned their patent applications due to Apple patents. How Many Patent Applications did Apple abandon Every Year? Apple’s Patent Filing vs Abandonment Trend What Percentage of Filed Patents were

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Apple’s patents were used in 35272+ 102/103 type rejections

We monitored the patent publications of Apple for the past 20 years at the USPTO. Apple’s patent portfolio shows that they have their footprints in 63 different technology areas ranging from Selective Visual Display Systems to Electrical circuits and systems. Below are the top technology areas of their interest – 

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Apple bought ~3600 patents from Intel in 2020

Intel has been a key patent acquisition source for Apple in the past few years. The trend continued in 2020 as well. Apple acquired ~4600 patents in 2020 out of which 3650 were acquired from Intel alone. The technology centers/pockets which were targeted by Apple for patent acquisitions from Intel

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