Illinois Patent Statistics

This analysis has been done by considering the Filing Year of the Total patents filed by the Inventors of Illinois state of the US, ranging from year 2011 to 2021. We have taken into account the addresses of Inventors from Illinois obtained from the patents application data sourced from USPTO database.

In the last decade (2011 – 2021), a total number of 138007 patents were filed by the Illinois Patent Inventors at USPTO, making it one of the most innovative US state showing increasing trend of Illinois Patent filing. California, Texas, New York, Washington, and Massachusetts are the other innovation hot spots that are spread across the country.

If we talk about the key Illinois Patent Inventors, Jason Resch, Gary Grube and Austin Grant Walters hold the top 3 spots.

Continue reading the article to learn more about which businesses are engaged in the Illinois state, how many patents the Illinois inventors have filed over time, who are the top patent inventors, which companies have they been associated with, the Illinois institutions that have filed the most patents, and more.

How many patents did the inventors of Illinois file every year?

Illinois Inventors Patent Filing Trend

Are you wondering why there is a drop in patent filing for the last two years? It is because a patent application can take up to 18 months to get published. Certainly, it doesn’t suggest a decrease in the patent filing.

Who are the key inventors from the Illinois state?

Jason Resch has been former Master Inventor of IBM. He claims that while still in high school, he created the first video chat programme ever. As part of the start-up Cleversafe, he contributed to the design of the first exabyte-scale data storage solution which was later acquired by IBM. In the process of developing exabyte storage technology, he became one of the world’s top inventors in areas that include distributed systems, algorithms, data security, data storage, and protocols.

Gary was a key member of a cross-functional team at Motorola that developed key patent application preparation processes that exhibited both dramatic cycle time improvements and maintained (and even improved) quality of the resultant deliverable.

It’s interesting to note that the majority of the top inventors are currently or previously have been associated with Motorola.

Ranking of top inventors from the Illinois state of US : Click here to view the Top 100 Innovators of Illinois

Companies associated with the Illinois inventors

Patent Filings by Major Companies of Illinois

The major Companies that are associated with the Inventors from Illinois (inventors having address of Illinois) have filed 20382 patents in the last decade (2011-2021) of which Caterpillar, UOP and Illinois Tool Works topped the list.

Note: These are the companies affiliated with the Inventors having addresses of Illinois state of the US.

Which are most innovative Universities/Institutes of Illinois?

Patent Filing by Illinois Universities

The top 3 Universities associated with the Inventors of Illinois, North-western University, University of Illinois and University of Chicago, have filed 3113 patents over the last decade (2011-2021).

Note: These are the institutions wherein the key innovators from Illinois filed the majority of their patents.

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