Topic: pfizer

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Pfizer Subsidiaries

Pfizer operates through more than 300 subsidiaries, each contributing to its diverse portfolio of products and services. These subsidiaries have driven Pfizer’s expansion into various therapeutic areas and healthcare innovations. How many companies were acquired by Walmart? Pfizer has grown over the years by acquiring many companies, helping it enter

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Pfizer Acquisitions

Pfizer, a well-known name in the pharmaceutical world, has grown its business by acquiring companies in different industries. These acquisitions, in areas like biotechnology, cancer treatment, gene therapy, and vaccines, have helped Pfizer strengthen its research and develop new treatments. By expanding into these fields, the company can offer more

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Pfizer Patents – Insights & Stats (Updated 2024)

Pfizer has a total of 89777 patents globally, out of which 25623 have been granted. Of these 89777 patents, more than 18% patents are active. United States of America is where Pfizer has filed the maximum number of patents, followed by Japan and Europe (EPO). Parallelly, United States of America

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